Nigerian Indigenous Architecture with and Against Zbigniew Dmochowski, African Studies Center 15th Anniversary Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA), April 6, 2024
Mobilites of Weak Actors, conference Cities and Circulations: Challenging Theoretical Frameworks in Gulf Histories and Geographies, Sciences Po, Paris (F), May 29, 2024
Architecture as Currency. State-Socialist Building Export to Iraq, conference The Social History of Money across the Eastern Bloc and the Global South in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge University Department of History, Cambridge (UK), June 27, 2024
Capitalism’s Negotiated Outside, conference The Challenge from Within: Progressive Architects Within the Capitalist Systems, Winterthur (CH), July 5, 2024
Race, Time, and Architecture, talk at the Maciej & Stanislawa Nowicki Symposium, NC State University, Raleigh (NC), September 14, 2024
Architecture in Global Socialism: Southeast Asia in the Cold War, 13th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, Kyoto (JP), September 12, 2024
From Eastern Europe to Africa: Women Architects in the Cold War, conference Womxn in Design and Architecture, Princeton University (USA), March 3, 2023
Temporalities of Postcolonial and Postsocialist Infrastructure: Imaginations of Industrial Development in Asutsuare, Ghana, with Michael Gameli Dziwornu, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver CO (USA), April 24, 2023
Designing Acceleration: Ghana, 1951-1966, conference The Third Ecology, EAHN Thematic Conference, Reykjavík (IS), October 13, 2023
Gift of Land, Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture and Department of Art History, University of Chicago, Chicago (USA), November 16, 2023
Race, Time, and Architecture: Dilemmas of Africanization in Ghana, 1951-1966, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Conference, Philadelphia (USA), December 1, 2023
Tashkent Modernism: A View from Africa, keynote at the conference Where in the World Is Tashkent, Tashkent (UZ), October 19, 2023
From Imperial to Socialist Gift: The KNUST Campus in Kumasi, conference The Gift of Architecture, Manchester (UK), June 13, 2022
From Eastern Europe to Africa: Women Architects in the Global Cold War, conference Gender and Infrastructure: Intersections between Postsocialist and Postcolonial Geographies, UCL (UK, online), March 5, 2021
Decolonization by Non-Alignment: The Africanization of Ghana’s Construction Industry, SAH, Montreal (CA, online), April 16, 2021
Architecture and Decolonization, symposium Radical / Reform / Revolution, Architectural Association (UK), May 7, 2021
Environmental Governance and Ghana’s Construction Industry, 1950s-1960s, SAH GB (UK, online), June 17, 2021
Zbigniew Dmochowski and the Decolonization of Nigerian Architecture, Lagos Studies Conference, Lagos (NI, online), June 30, 2021
Decolonization by Non-Alignment: Ghana’s Construction Industry, workshop Towards a Conjectural Political Economy of Non-Alignment and Cultural Politics, Riejka (CR), September 29, 2021
Architecture in Global Socialism, lecture and discussion at the Kyiv Biennale, Kyiv (UA), October 17, 2021
Architecture in Global Socialism, keynote at the conference Made in Italy Goes Eastern, Politecnico di Milano (I, online), May 3, 2021
Spaces of Global Socialism, keynote at the workshop Rethinking Socialist Space in the Twentieth Century, Oxford University (UK, online), June 22, 2021
Two Globalisations: Socialist Architecture at the End of the Cold War, keynote at the conference After Socialist Modernism: Architecture, Urban Design and Planning of the 1980s, Kyiv (UA), October 11, 2021
Housing in Independent Ghana across Cold War Divides (1957-66), Welfare State Workshop, Oxford University, Oxford (UK), January 24, 2020
Architecture in the World Socialist System: Baghdad, 1958-1990, conference World War Two and Urban Reconstruction in the Socialist World, University of Leicester (UK), December 19, 2020
When Accra Was Like Tashkent: Urban Comparison in the Cold War, keynote at the colloquium Sacred, Spectacular, Planned: Capital Cities in a Comparative Perspective, 1500–2000, Department of History, European University at St. Petersburg (RU, online), October 22, 2020
Team 10 East, keynote, conference Team 10 Farwest, Porto University (P), November 30, 2019
Comparison in the Cold War: Thinking the Third World Through the Second World, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington DC (USA), April 6, 2019
Worldmaking, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington DC (USA), April 5, 2019
The Africanisation of Ghanaian Architecture, symposium by the Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA), Addis Ababa (ET), May 21, 2019
Architecture’s Worldmaking, conference Conflicted Narratives, Future Trajectories, Cambridge University, Cambridge (UK), September 19, 2019
Thinking the Third World through the Second World, UCL, London (UK), November 11, 2019
When Baghdad Was Like Warsaw: Comparison in the Cold War, PAN Berlin (D), October 23, 2019
Sixty Years of the Marine Drive Project in Accra (Ghana), workshop Ideological Resonances, National Museum, Copenhagen (DK), December 6, 2019
Socialist Architecture Goes Global, Yale University, New Haven (USA), keynote at the symposium Transit Point: Mitteleuropa, September 8, 2016
The Worlding of Eastern Europe, keynote at the conference Across Borders—Cultural Cooperation with Norway, Oslo (N), May 29, 2018
The Worlding of Eastern Europe. Architects from Socialist Countries in Cold War West Africa, Museum of Modern Art, New York (USA), January 8, 2018
Architecture and Petrobarter. Romanian and East German Construction Export to Oil Producing Countries, 1970s-1980s, workshop Transnational Relations between Eastern Europe/USSR and the Middle East. New Perspectives on the Cold War Workshop, University of Geneva (CH), February 22, 2018
Dialectics of Centrality in the Global Cold War, EAHN conference, Tallinn (Estonia), June 15, 2018
Planning Transition Beyond Socialism: From Poland to China and Back, International Planning History Society Conference 2018, Yokohama (Japan), with Piotr Bujas, Alicja Gzowska, Hou Li, July 17, 2018
Comparison in the Cold War. From Image to Data, and Back, workshop Evidence + Narrative in Writing Visual History, Clark Institute, Williamstown MA (USA), September 22, 2018
Postmodernism Is Almost All Right, 11th Architecture Talk: Architecture Ethnography, ETH Zurich, Einsiedeln (CH), November 3, 2018
Architecture in the World Socialist System, keynote at the conference Theory’s History Challenges in the Historiography of Architectural Knowledge 196X—199X, TU Leuven (B), February 8, 2017
Architecture and Petrobarter. Romanian Construction Export to Oil Producing Countries, 1970s-1980s, conference The Design Institute: Building a Transnational History, Hong Kong University (HK), March 10, 2017
Romanian and East German Construction Export to Oil Producing Countries, Delft University of Technology (NL), May 18, 2017
African Housing in Soviet Gift Economies, Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), Annual Conference, Glasgow (UK), with Nikolay Erofeev, June 8, 2017
Architecture and Petrobarter in Romanian and East German Construction Export, workshop Export of Architecture in the Cold War Period: Projects, Actors and Cultural Transfers, IRS Erkner, Berlin (DE), July 7, 2017
Architecture in the World Socialist System, conference Modernist Frontiers, Astana Contemporary Art Center, Astana (KZ), July 22, 2017
Architecture’s Multiple Globalizations in the Cold War, talk at the 5th Garage International Conference The Archive: Saviour, Inventor, Witness, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow (RU), October 13, 2017
Henri Lefebvre’s „Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment:” Architectural Imagination After May 1968, 2nd Annual Conference of Network Society, China Academy of Arts, Hangzhou (PRC), November 12, 2017
Tropical Architecture as Cold War Discourse, International Seminar European Architecture Abroad. Exporting Architecture, Engineering and Planning after WWII. Politecnico di Milano (I), January 22, 2016
Debating the Cold War, Workshop, Birkbeck University of London (UK), February 2, 2016
The Politics of Isometric Drawing in Post-Independence Nigeria, talk at the Society of Architectural Historian conference, Pasadena (USA), April 8, 2016
Memories of an Encounter. Eastern European Architects in West Africa during the Cold War, talk at the conference Imperial Reverb. Exploring the Postcolonies of Communism, Princeton University (USA), May 15, 2016
Competing Solidarities in Post-Independence Ghana, conference Global Urbanisms, Regional Specificities, UCL (UK), May 17, 2016
Socialist Internationalism and National Tradition in Post-Independence Nigerian Architecture, workshop Africa, Eastern Europe and the Dream of International Socialism: New Perspectives on the Global Cold War, Oxford University (UK), October 29, 2016
Socialist Urban Design Goes Global, international workshop in the History of Urban Design, ETH Zurich (CH), November 18, 2016
Mobilities of Architecture between Eastern Europe and the Gulf, 1970s–1990s, keynote at the conference Accommodations: Positive strategies for documenting, conserving and re-inhabiting ‘outmoded’ spaces, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York (USA), October 24, 2015
From Poland to Kuwait and Back: Postmodernism Is Almost All Right, Annual Society of Architectural Historians Conference, Austin TX (USA), April 10, 2015
Postmodernism Is Almost All Right. Polish Architecture After Socialist Globalization, conference (De)constructing Utopia: Design in Eastern Europe from Thaw to Perestroika, University of Sheffield (UK), May 3, 2015
Socialist Globalization in Kuwait, workshop Histories of Development Planning Transfers 1945-1990. Instrumentalisation, Operationalisation, Impacts and State of Documentation, Habitat Unit TU Berlin (D), May 23, 2015
Tropical Modernism and Socialist Internationalism: The Case of Ghana National Construction Corporation (1960–66), during the conference Alternative Encounters: The “Second World” and the “Global South” 1945–1991, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena (D), November 3, 2015
From Socialist Europe to the Gulf, and Back: Architectural Knowledge Transfer in Kuwait during the Late Cold War, 2nd Gulf Studies Symposium, American University of Kuwait (KW), March 13, 2015
Zbigniew Dmochowski and the Politics of Architectural Drawing in Post-Independence Nigeria, conference Forms of Freedom—Legacies of African Modernism, National Museum of Architecture, Oslo (N), March 26, 2015
Architectural Labor from Socialist Countries in Iraq (1958–1991), Annual Society of Architectural Historians Conference, Chicago (USA), April 17, 2015
Postmodernism is Almost All Right. Bulgarian and Polish Architects in Kuwait and the UAE, conference East West Central 3, ETH Zurich (CH), September 12, 2015
Architects from Socialist Countries in Ghana (1957-1967): Architecture and Mondialization, keynote at the conference Crossing Boundaries: Rethinking European architecture beyond Europe, Palermo (I), April 14, 2014
Postmodernism Is Almost All Right. Polish Architecture After Socialist Globalization, keynote at the conference Socialist and Post-socialist Urbanizations: Architecture, Land and Property Rights, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (EST), May 10, 2014
Team 10 East. You, Me, Us, and the State, keynote at the conference Oskar Hansen—Opening Modernism, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (PL), June 7, 2013
Tropical Architecture as Cold War Discourse: Architects from Socialist Poland in Postcolonial Ghana (1962-67), EAHN conference, University of Sao Pãulo, São Paulo (BR), March 22, 2013
Tropical Architecture from Socialist Poland, conference Modernism in Late Socialist Art and Architecture, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York (USA), April 4, 2013
Contested Accra: The International Trade Fair (1962–1967) as an Urban Project, conference Colonial and Postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa, University of Lisbon (PT), September 6, 2013
Tropical Architecture as Cold War Discourse in Post-Independence Ghana (1960–66), conference The Influence of Fry and Drew, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool (UK), October 11, 2013
Zbigniew Dmochowski and the Introduction to Traditional Nigerian Architecture, conference Polish Architects beyond Poland: Migration and Memory, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool (UK), November 2, 2013
Mondialization of Architecture, conference Mobilities of Design: Transnational Transfers in Asian Architecture and Urban Planning, 1960–Present, ETH Zurich Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore (SI), November 21, 2013